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May 03, 2007


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Nice! I'm glad you did one of Jeffery...

Your garden looks perfect for a wedding ... all your plants will have grown in the next three weeks. It is a very tranquil-looking space - and looks just perfect as it is.

If it helps any, you can come to Greensboro and be apart of my freshman drawing classes any time you wish!!!!! (That's close to highschool.) I'll let you sit in the back, or front, of the room and just draw, draw, draw! You'd be setting a good example for the students!

Hi everyone! In these last days, when I've been unable to post, I've been so gratified by your warm and encouraging responses. Thank you very much for them.
Only (!) three more weeks til wedding day!

Hey - the garden pic!!!! Looking great Laura - it's gonna be perfect, just wait and see.

Love your sketch of the guy with the spiky hair!

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