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June 01, 2007


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Oh, you live in paradise. Or faerie land... so beautiful. You are amazing Laura. I don't know how you do everything you do and do it ALL so brilliantly. Your garden is a credit to you. :o)

This might just be the most beautiful garden in the world!!! I am copying pictures for inspiration. ~sigh.

What a nice tour through your beautiful garden Laura! Haven't been on here for a while. Love the garden ways/paths you've created! Hope everything went well with the wedding! Congrats to your daughter! Carol x

I'm overwhelmed and so touched by all of your good wishes! I will now have the time to read each comment! Thank you, dear friends and commenters!

Wow, your garden is so lovely...I'm sure you had a beautiful day. Cant wait to see some pictures!

One bride later, it must have been marvelous.

A garden is a bit like a marriage, isn't it? The constant tidying and weeding, the vigorous growth over many years, the unexpected beauties...

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