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June 14, 2007


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Fantastic, all of them. It's great seeing you loosen up as you go too.

What fun to read all of your comments---the enthusiasm is contagious, I think! Really fun to hear what the various favorites are. They differ widely, don't they? Katherine, since Bloomsbury was all about breaking conventional norms, they would no doubt have stripped bare and joined Shawn in his cavorting!

These are all fantastic! What an idyllic time to create - you've made the most of it with your beautiful work! I think the fourth one is my favourite, but they're all good. xo

You've captured those wonderful sculptural muscles and his weight and strength so beautifully. I loved hearing about this wonderful group of creative people (including you, of course!)

It's just so difficult to find a really good male model - looks like you've come up trumps. Lovely drawings - I particularly like the first one.

I giggled when I thought what Bloomsbury would think of Shawn playing at statues in the back garden!

Aaargh Laura - as usual, I have called you Laurel! Habit from having a friend by that name!! Sorry!!!! Jules

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