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July 23, 2007


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Your flowers are just gorgeous-so bright and happy!

How wonderful to come back from Charleston and read all your encouraging comments! I think they've helped. I'm feeling a bit better, though still need a bit more time to recharge, I think. Tara, thank you so much! I'll respond this weekend.

Laura, I've nominated you for a Blogger Reflection Award. Come visit and see! xo

I love the colores you choose to work with. You keep doing your thing girl! its great. Have fun in Charelston. I love the food in there. yum yum and a bottle of rum.

I just did a post on recharging, and it led me over here.... interesting how that happens.

I can understand you feeling a bit beaten down...you had a lot on your plate lately, with the wedding...and everything still waiting for you... I hope Charleston will revive you a bit.It is such a beautiful city and I love it...like Savannah too...been there yet? I'll keep you in my thoughts, send you some good vibes and hope you get your energy back soon.
I love all your sketches you did and find it amazing that you're able to pull this creativity from your sleeve, while you're not completely feeling up to it...love those hydrangeas, they burst with energy!!
Enjoy Charleston

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