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July 13, 2007


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You were in my old stomping grounds! I loved the area when we lived there. There are people who do not appreciate the Amish, but I love their way of life and their dedication to their crafts. When I was a little girl my father took us to Lancaster County and we stayed at a B&B run by an Amish family. It was my first time without a television and I was horrified. But, I got over it. There were so many things to see and do if you weren't tied to a tv. Years later my husband had some business dealings with am Amish woman who made the most beautiful quilts. These sketches really catch the essence of this gentle people and they brought back many memories for me. Wonderful work!

WOW...cool stuff. I love that sign,...great colors, and the cottage. Also I really like those "Bodies" drawings that you did as well. Beautiful!

YOur sketchings are fantastic. I so enjoy coming here.

Just gorgeous - you've really captured the essence of a fascinating people. Thank you for this wonderful glimpse into the Amish community. I visted the Amish community in Pennsylvania once, with a friend from New York. It was such a contrast to our (then) lives in NYC! xo

Beautiful sketches, so evocative of the place.

How wonderful to have all of your nice comments! I'm going through a low energy, slightly blue phase---it's all the hot, dry weather we're having, I'm sure---so your nice words and encouragement are doubly appreciated. Many, many thanks!

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