« To Paris tomorrow! | Main | Ne me quittez pas! »

September 07, 2007


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I really enjoy your post. Lovely drawings (I live in Paris !)

Hmmm, I don't know if I would like to live in Paris -my artist side: yes, but for the rest? When we were there, mainly to research my background, my then teen kids were not impressed, and couldn't wait to get back to Holland (that's where I'm originally from - but I've lived in L.A. for the past 20+ years)

Anyway - I love your sketch of the fountain!

Good impressions from lover Paris, nice and pretty blog, beautiful art pics. Me also get visit Paris next vacancions and i bealive me also will take same impressif. Thamks!

I am so very envious! Paris! I have always wanted to go to Paris. Your paintings are breathtakingly beautiful. You do water so well! Your sketches of people are full of character and life. Sounds like a wonderful visit and I'm happy you had such a grand time.

My trip is just a few short weeks away. I get even more excited after seeing your and Casey's wonderful sketches. I too am looking forward to a sketch day with Casey and Ronell! Thanks for such wonderful inspiration!

What wonderful sketches and watercolors from Paris! I especially love the fountains, particularly the third one down...something about the palms and water speaks to me. Did you use a bit of liquid gum arabic? Can't wait to see more, safe travels!


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