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October 14, 2007


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Hmmmm.... does that announcement say something about the donuts costing extra?
:-D My french is terrible!!! You are such a busy lady -- this is really exciting stuff, though. (And tres well deserved...)


How exciting for you to be in the exhibit and on the panel. I'm sure you have nothing to be nervous about. Your work is exceptional as are your commentaries. Have no fear dear friend! I have enjoyed all your latest posts and especially the statues and fountains, still my favorites. The illustrations and paintings from Chinatown are beautiful and delicate and I quite fancy them.

I have a friend who is Thai and she is teaching me how to cook traditional Thai dishes. I can't explain the flavor but just thinking about it make my mouth water and your watercolor reminds me of the meal my husband and I had with her a week ago.

Oh, to be a wee mouse who has climbed into your pocket traveling along with to France and all the wonderful places you visit. Perhaps I'll have to illustrate that. :) At least I am able to get a glimpse from your lovely paintings and descriptive writings what I am missing. XOX M

I'm so pleased for you Laura! You're representing the US, with your gorgeous sketches! You'll do us proud. xoxox

Laura, thanks for stopping by my blog.
Oh WOW how exciting to be in this exhibit and on the panel. I am thrilled for you. And i know you will finish up your faces by the end of the year. Sometimes good things just put a hold on some projects.
Congratulations again on the exhibit.

We are all so so very proud of you Laura! I am THRILLED for you and this well deserved opportunity!!! You're going to WOWZA them!

Thanks, one and all! Too bad I can't swoop you all up and take you with me! Casey, that'll be fantastic if you can come! Claudia, these pages are 8" x 10". Ronell, I'm not sure if there's going to be a video. I certainly hope not! ;D. laBelle, je serai en France pendant dix jours ,a Clermont-Ferrand le weekend de 16-18 novembre, a Paris avant et apres, et un jour a Amboise ( pour voir Casey et Ronell!)Marly, thank you----I do make a point of trying to do just that.

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