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November 10, 2007


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Beautiful Cover!!

Bon Voyage!!! I hope your travels are wonderful. Come back soon wtih more marvelous paintings.

I've added a link to your blog under "Blogs I Like". I hope you don't mind. I'd like to keep up with your sketches and travel. Wonderful read. Thanks, ns

Your drawings look simply splendid on the book cover.

I read about the train strike in Paris when reading about the Eurostar's inaugural journey from St Pancras but didn't realise you were being caught by it too. I hope travelling was fine in the end and everything is going well. Fancy being able to say you've been in a 'Biennale'! :D

La couverture (la "couv" comme on dit) de ces carnets de poésie est immédiatement reconnaissable! Bravo -- et si les talents en poésie de ton amie valent tes talents en dessin, alors ce doit être quelque chose à lire.
J'espère que tu n'as pas trop souffert de cette grêve abominable! Quelle honte pour tous ceux qui doivent travailler!

Oh MUCH LUCK Larua, and no matter what direction the strikes take I Envy You - have a wonderful time and I hope your husband makes it safely also. Be sure to POST!

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