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December 10, 2007


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Not Bi, my dear, you are "in". That's "in" as in "in the in-crowd", in-teresting, in-triguing, in-dependent, in-grained, in-sightful and in-spiring!! I've come out of lurkdom to tell you that you are an in-telligent in-stitution! An in-ward path to in-tuitive knowledge. You are an in-vigororating source that I check in with often. Brava, Laura!! We appreciate your in-vitation to share your beautiful work!!

I'm really enjoying your play with ink and your play on words!

The portraits are just totally amazing.

*snork* on that post title!

One of the things I love about your work is the love I feel underpinning things. The world is a kind, joyful, but not sappy place when seen through your eyes.

Oh, and your pithy wit -- babies sans architecture, what a wonderful way of putting it!

Okay where are my very own bugs? That baby looks like a wise child.

Sometimes it's good to walk on both sides of the road... :-D These are all wonderful -- your portaits are so full of personality! I just love your pen work, too, though...

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