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December 17, 2007


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Hello there,

I live in Surrey and am Desperate to find the Schminke Airbrush inks but cannot find them anywhere?
Please Help???x

Dear Laura,

The vingette of your kitchen is just so lovely, the inks give the drawing such a lacey feel and I am completely drawn to it rather than color today. Not to mention the basket holding the bananas, the kind I love, perfect in the kitchen. The colors of black and grays give such a translucent feel while capturing the light at just the right angle, you do that so well. We must take a class together someday, though I fear I will have to take many classes to catch up again and would not want to shame myself :) I have left my painting so long now. Still it would be so fun I think.

Many best wishes and blessings for a wonderful New Year to you dear friend and to your family and new little one.

I just love that basket with bananas Laura, you couldn't have painted them better with Schmincke...or Daniel or.... even if you wanted to!wonderful inkwork again!

looks like a lovely wallpaper design; predicting that soon here everything will be in color!!

oh my, these are both sooo lovely and so different from eachother. Well, I guess what they have in common is your talent!!
happy christmas dear laura!

The valve body of the faucet and the pot in the foreground...excellent.
Inspirational, really.

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