I've had a really frustrating week in the studio, trying to finish an acrylic painting... and NOT managing it!! (Fill in imprecation of your choice here.) I almost never give up on a painting, but this one may HAVE to go. Ick.
In the meantime, I've had some relief and fun in wielding pen and watercolor brush, working quickly, instead of obsessing as I've done with the acrylic piece.
In this sketch of my husband, I painted it on site, unlike the sketches in the previous post, where I looked hard and thought about color on site, but painted later. I was interested to see that there's not much difference in overall effect. Maybe a few more nods to light and shadow, but that's all. Do you agree?
Here's another face for my 101 Faces project---playing around with dip pens and Higgins russet ink, drawing loosely and quickly. I'm enjoying this project SO MUCH more this year than last. I feel freer and happier with this imagery, who knows why.
And, yes, here's that kitchen sink .
This weekend, probably on Sunday, I plan to post the answer to the Mystery Theme riddle! Could be Monday, but I think Sunday. See you then!
Thanks for your comments, nice people! The young woman is a friend of one of my daughters. Miss Kate, I do think the dip pen has something to do with my enjoyment, but also the fact that I don't feel as stressed about my work this year as last (knock on wood.) Dee, acrylic paints are now far different from the garish ooze-in-a-tube we knew of old! I've painted for years in oils AND acrylics and I like both. My circumstances now dictate my using acrylics.
Casey, that's a mixture of ultramarine blue and that dark brown that is the Schmincke default one (isn't burnt umber.) Sue, it was just a lowly omelette ;D. Robyn, do I HAVE to paint 365 kitchen sinks??? Many thanks, all the rest of you!
Posted by: Laura | February 11, 2008 at 06:00 AM
That face is simply beautiful - your enjoyment really shows through.
Posted by: juj | February 10, 2008 at 11:05 AM
You are so good at chrome and metals. I love the kitchen sink.
Also, I know I've said this before, but acrylic "paint" is not really paint. It's a gooey plastic substance. I don't know many people who can make a good "painting" from it. Oils are so much easier!
Posted by: df | February 09, 2008 at 12:10 PM
Hmmmm... Yes. We're anxiously awaiting the answer to the riddle here in Knoxville. I believe I'll have to restrain Diahn if you don't give it up soon!
I don't see a whole lot of difference in the colors added later rather than on site, other than maybe the lines were a bit more detailed in the restaurant scenes. (Maybe you added more detail so you'd remember, whereas at home you were able to dive right in?) Anyway, your use of color is fantastic, as usual, no matter where or when you use it. Just amazing.
I am absolutely smitten with the portrait of the young woman. It is the best so far, at least of the human faces. (You know how I loved the Magnificent yet Elusive Great White Tundra Monkey...) This one has the most relaxed and elegant lines of all -- it's perfect yet looks as if it was COMPLETELY effortless. So very elegant, and, as has already been said -- so ALIVE.
Posted by: Linda M | February 08, 2008 at 08:28 PM
*Ahem* I am NOT a patient woman, Miss Laura! WANT TO KNOW YOUR THEME!
And omigosh, I love your picture of your husband, and of the lovely, longhaired young HigginsWoman. DO you think it's working with dip pens that is making the difference in your enjoyment quotient? I know they haven't ALL been that, but wow they are so alive...
Posted by: Cathy (Kate) Johnson | February 08, 2008 at 12:47 PM
Well, you've no doubt DONE everything but the kitchen sink to date, so why the hell not the sink, too! It's fabulous, Laura. And, food lover that I am, I find myself wondering "so what'd you cook in that pan, too?!" ;)) David and the lovely young woman are communicated beautifully with such luscious colors. Great job on these latest,comme toujours.
Posted by: sue | February 08, 2008 at 10:28 AM