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February 03, 2008


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Your sketches are exciting and I love the expressiveness and gesture of your line work. Beautiful and fascinating work.

Months later I accidently come across this. I envy you your friend to sketch with. I hate sitting and drawing by myself. Not only are they are lovely drawings, they evoke such a easiness with your surroundings. I'm glad I ran across them.

I love these stories, especially of the older woman who approached you. And your art opens so many doors! xoxox

Looks like I'm late to the party. I wanted to tell you how moving this post was for me. This inspires me to push aside my fears and go out and sketch in public. You're sketches are lovely of course. I like the mother and daughter one the best. So intimate. You really captured the feeling of closeness between the two. *sigh*

Wow, what wonderful comments, for which I thank everyone! It was one of those very special days from start to finish. I'm glad I was there for it---you know what I mean, there with pen and ink and an open heart. Many thanks again for taking the time to register your reactions here.

I'm so impressed with qualities you achieve in these sketches. They feel so complete even though they're sketchy and loose. Each of them show the character and personality of the individuals, all quite different from one another. The mother and child sketch is very powerful. Lovely story too.

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