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February 13, 2008


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Dear Laura - Could you describe how you make your accordian sketch books? I love the format. Merci, Deborah

The top night in the rain pic is fantastic.

What a beautiful night scene, almost abstract, and those granulating colours like splashes of water. Wonderful.

Thank you many, many times! Robyn, aha! That remains to be seen ;D. It's easy enough if you just draw page by page, but... I don't. Sandy, I wish you could send the rain here! Wendy, I'll check out that book. Thanks for the tip. Thanks so much, Julie. Tara, I'll email you. Good luck in London. Katherine, I have rain barrels. Kim, I've lived in both London and Edinburgh--I'd take some of that rain of your hands! Thanks to every single one of you!

Hooray for the rain! And your sketches are fantastic! That painting is wonderful. Can't wait to see you - please send me your dates again. Am off to London this week, but back soon. xoxox

I love the idea for the concertina book. Great. The first painting reminds me of the type of work in the book "Painting in the Spirit of Nature." I just love it.

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