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May 02, 2008


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Thank you a thousand times for all of your cheers and support! I so needed a mid-course pause and correction. And I so wish you could all be here with me in my garden--we could have a Laurelines convention!

If that beautiful garden of yours doesn't invigorate you I don't know what will!!
I notice in your last garden photo the 2 pots on the left planted with "sky pencils" I think? I just bought 2 of these to do a similar planting -- I hope mine grow as beautifully as yours have!!

Lovely drawing!

Hi Laura! I love your garden and the beautiful view out your window. (By coincidence I sketched something outside my window too this afternoon.) It's an inspiration, I'm sure, to have such natural beauty growing all around you. Wonderful.

Your garden is just gorgeous. Sigh, mine still looks like scorched earth:-(

Yes, the garden is beautiful and deserves your presence. I'm always appalled at our decision to go away in April when our Southern California garden is at its peak of bloom. Enjoy it to the fullest!

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