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October 18, 2008


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Fantastic news! So pleased for all of you. xoxox

Did you really sit there during the birthing process and draw each stage of labour? Wow! I hope you held her hand or her feet as well! I'm a grandmother too and it certainly is a joy. Our grandkids are 11, 9, and 6.

Enjoy! And welcome baby! Or doodlebug...

Those sketches are so full of love and caring and sweetness. The bottom image of the baby is perfection. Congratulations and best wishes for peace joy and a little rest for all! Thanks for sharing these blessings with us.

Congratulations to all involved especially mommy and baby. Your drawings are super. They are going to be kept forever I am sure. Lots of people get photos but not many get sketches!

best reason not to be here. thanks for the wonderful Birthday! Story .

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