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March 03, 2009


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That RV with the "hey cupcake" doodled on it is pretty cute. Hehe. Blue and red is strong combination. However, I still find the rusted car lively, even if it's already, you know... rusted. Hehe. Was its original color white or orange?

love that airstream cupcakemobile! And can i say i prefer your sketch to the HDR photo? i guess i just did!

beautiful and vibrant!

These pages are amazing....love that airstream too!

The car is great and I would rather see a watercolor over an HDR anyday.. I love the composition and the use of double spread with the wire running through the front part of the car.
The cupcake trailor is wonderful too -the drawing and the idea of it!. Wish we had one of those in our town.

It looks as though you had a great week in Austin - and these sketches are wonderful! As usual, the colors just glow.

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