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April 13, 2009


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Lucky girl - you've captured the beauty of Santa Barbara perfectly. Haven't been there since 1999 - thanks for the treat!

I always enjoy the liveliness of your sketches. You've captured that So. Calif. light just perfectly here.

beautiful paintings. Glad that you had a nice trip. I love Santa Barbara and Carpinteria. It is an incredibly beautiful area and I'm glad you got to capture a bit of it in your sketchbook.

I never thought Santa Barbara would be high on my list of places to visit, but now it definitely is!! I love all your sketches and really fall for the first one!

Worth waiting for, dear girl! They're just wonderful...I've heard Santa Barbara is lovely, and you've just proved it.

Your sketches are so nice. You definitely have your own look. Like your use of color.

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