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May 10, 2009


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The last one, with those trees, is just how I imagine Savannah. Wow.

Thank you so much, kind people! Owen, I broke the inhibition barrier a good long while ago. I'll bet you will, too!

these are utterly lovely and i bet the couple will love them! What an amazing record of their day, such stunning sensitive work.

Great series of sketches! They will make a wonderful souvenir!

Great lines and I love your selection of colors! :) A lot of blue and a lot of green. They all look so fresh and new, and more importantly relaxed and happy. ^^ Wonderful sketches!

Everyone else has said how lovely the drawings are and, they are. I want to say something else. You've got nerve, in a good way, boldness, creative juice that's got to find a way out and isn't inhibited like, quite frankly, I am. I would have "wanted" to take my drawing stuff to the wedding but I would have bailed out. Good on you. I hope to get there sooner than later.

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