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June 06, 2009


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Gestern hab ich Sie im Internet gefunden. Ich komme von Ihren wunderbaren Bildern nicht mehr los! Ich versuche mich auch im Aquarellieren. Vielleicht übersetzt jemand aus dem Deutschen.

I find your pictures wunderful!
You inspire me!
Greetings from Vienna/Austria!


What an amazing sketch! Beautiful colors. Inspiring.

The tangerines look so delicious and the painting is so loose and fluid, I adore it. Magnifique! XOX

The watercolor sketches are so lively. Are you still using the Akashiya Koi watercolor brushes for this watercolor sketch and for those on your earlier posts?

Thank you VERY much, one and all. Nice to have your comments when things are going a bit haywire in life!

I love it! Your sketches & paintings are so dynamic!

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