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July 23, 2009


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Je suis d'accord pour le mois d'aout -- le mois de l'anniversaire de ma mère et de mon beau-père.
Toujours de beaux dessins, quel plaisir!

I just loved this set of 3 drawings they r wonderful...

Thanks for the comments, people! Casey, David wasn't with me, Moreton was---and she was sitting to my left. Jane, I mostly paint later. I find it more freeing to not carry my palette with me and just to concentrate on sketching on site. I do sometimes paint on site, though. Robyn, I LOVE the light in August. Alex, thank you. Sue, the same to you, dear woman. Thanks, Melanie!

Thanks again for posting at my personal blog!
What a great illustration gig!

You and I both have an affinity for line-
I will look forward to more of your illos!

Wonderful portrait from the TV, Laura!

You've captured the ambiance of a dinner with promise.

I love your walking sketches (as I've said elsewhere) - and I'm dreading August! Can't get a tradesman in August. A plumber - almost never! We have two toilets in urgent need of attention. HWEM does not realise this is a double emergency! Can't find an art shop open in August. Hot as Hell in August. What's to like about August?!!!

Congratulations on the food illustrations, Laura! I can't wait to see them. I love that top sketch--I'm always fond of your tablescapes. These are all wonderful. Enjoy these last days of July.

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