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July 12, 2009


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I was expecting the buffalo to be less than magestic but how silly of me - he's had a Laurelines makeover! You've managed to inject wild and beautiful life into him.

Wonderful showcase of your work on Dana's blog - none of us take your talent for granted. It's always fresh and inspiring!

By the way, I too am deeply disappointed that you aren't here sketching in Tuscany this summer.

love the drawing of the woman drinking coffee . and as always, am envious you were in Foster's Market....

I absolutely ADORE that buffalo - it's almost Minotaur-ish. Delightful!

And wonderful feature at The Ginger Parasol! Thanks for introducing us to Dana...

Thanks for your kind words, Laura.
...and thanks for introducing me to your friends. Several have already stopped by...and it does gladden my heart! :)
I love the grapevine covered arbor.

A wonderful collection of sketches, Laura. Now, I must hurry over to see what's being said about yu on that other blog....

Great post. I love so much the grapevine sketch (and subscribe what Dana says on her blog, you deserve it all)

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