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August 04, 2009


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I reckon that orlando in august is one of the best places and times to be.there are so many things to do there during that time. great post, it seemes like you had a great time.all the best.

Saw your lovely work in "Artful Blogging"! sooooo cool-- It was a great article! --although I don't think they did a great job of reproducing your work -- at least in the copy I read.
I'm loving the seaweed and the above post -- the first of your workshop illustrations -- very dynamic!

Oh what fun! Even though I'm afraid Disney World is my idea of hell on earth (he who must not be bored tells me I'm wrong!). I shall be very intrigued to see what you make of it and how the workshop "works" - it sounds absolutely fascinating!

Your seaweed would look wonderful on summery fabric.
Have fun at 'boot camp.'

Have a wonderful time! What a luxury - drawing bootcamp! I'm really looking forward to your posts.

How I'd love to be along on this trip, Laura!! The more sketches you post the happier we will all be. TEN DAYS - that's some sketchcrawl :)

Beautiful transparency in your seaweed.

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