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September 23, 2009


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Great sketches. no doubut you can find in Brittany some amazing places to sketch. my aunt lives in france and she is an artist , she goes there a lot!

I know I'm seeing these in reverse of how you sketched them, but I'm really enjoying the tour!

Hi! I've stumbled upon your blog from UrbanSketchers blog. You have really wonderful sketches! I could ask you if I can buy one of them, but since I'm a student I'd rather ask you if you'd like to exchange one for one of my photographs :) How about that? You can take a look at www.emih.net
Best! Eduard

Holidays which are peaceful and restorative are so necessary in modern times! Good for you for taking time out in this way.

Those first couple of sketches are very much like the Laura of old and I have no doubt you'll have greatly enjoyed your sketching - which, of itself, is such a peacful and restorative activity! :)

Looking forward to seeing the scanned versions.

these are fabulous Laura and I'm so looking forward to buying the book that I hope you make of this particular journey. Hope you are keeping plenty of written "journaling" as well. Is that a word?

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your very supportive comments. I was feeling so awful about how bad these sketches look posted. I have been enjoying this time apart from the rest of my life and am so grateful that my mother's continued recovery is happening full force.

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