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September 14, 2009


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Thanks, you wonderful well wishers. Mitzi, it's sienna cobalt, but you were very close ;D. Kate, screaming carrots, oh no!! Maryam, I"m glad we finally connected. Susan, thank you for your very lovely comment. Your thoughts, and those of others, DO help, absolutely. Diahn, thank you and fingers still crossed. Alex, Cathy, Helen----merci beaucoup.

The year of stressors, bad and good. The opposite ends of the spectrum. IT HAS been THAT year for you, hasn't it?
Your wonderful sketches remain loose and delightful. Best wishes and caring thoughts winging their way. Hugs.

Despite the whole idea of hanging the skulls of dead animals on the wall, this is such a beautiful sketch. It's got enough expression to illustrate the ambience and I love how the lines are placed, and the perspective is stunning! It's just a great overall package!

Hi L,
Just checking in to see if you got my email - I never heard back from you. Could you pls let me know? Thanks so much!

You were immediately absolved of your guilt when you painted their portraits, n'est pas? I think I'll work a lifetime and not achieve your sublime use of (I'm guessing here...) sienna and ultramarine. I'll keep my fingers crossed that you are sketching on the plane!

Great sketching!

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