Oh, I long to be back there, on that secluded beach, on that glorious autumn afternoon.
A very moving, tender polychrome figure, one of many such at the Museum of Breton Culture in Quimper. This is a world-class museum on an intimate scale. You should go if ever you have the chance!
The doors of my rented house in the Breton countryside were almost electric in their blueness.
There was a doll museum in Josselin, containing the collection of a member of the Rohan family, who've owned the adjacent chateau since time began. Or thereabouts.
Early in my stay, Casey and I had lunch in Lochmariaquer, before taking a boat ride among the nearby islands. Here were some neighbors at the cafe.
Be sure to check out Casey's sketches of Brittany---she posted more yesterday.
So, c'est tout, les amis. I have no more of Brittany to share. Hasn't it been fun, though? I hope someday to return to that surprising, enchanting place.

Wow! I've just had a long look at your Brittany sketches, and I'm speechless! The first one (the one of the secluded beach as you call it) is my favourite!! It's so delicate, so flowing, so ... as i told you I'm speechless!!! Great work!
Posted by: Cathy | November 20, 2009 at 03:32 AM
The fun thing about going away is coming back to so many new images--loved these from your journey, the watery ones, the huggable dolls, the people. Hope your work continues to move along so splendidly--and that your mother continues to strengthen.
Posted by: marly youmans | November 16, 2009 at 09:59 AM
It does my heart SUCH good to read these comments! Thank you so very much, all of you! I am still basking in the memories and images of that wonderful trip.
Posted by: Laura | November 16, 2009 at 08:38 AM
I wish my sketch book was even just a fraction loved as much as yours. Your sketches dance with poetry. Thank you for sharing. It is almost as if I can feel the breezes off the sea.
Posted by: Karin | November 14, 2009 at 08:41 PM
Loved the sketches...
I could just picture myself sitting on that beach.
twitter: @artsharksnet
Posted by: ARTSHARKS | November 14, 2009 at 01:00 PM
Fabulous Laura! Your sketches are a joy to see.... I'm in love with that blueness!!!
Posted by: Judybec | November 10, 2009 at 06:22 PM