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January 05, 2010


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How fabulous, I never could have imagined such a thing!

I read your article on "ice painting" the other day, but didn't have time to comment; I then went to see Jeannette's explanation. It all seems so interesting and the result is quite fascinating! I would love to see these watercolours in real... Thanks for sharing! Next time I live in a cold country I'll try and remember this technique - but here in South Africa, no way I'm going to be able to try it!!

Wow, Laura this is kind of a dream! Awesome!

What an amazing idea. I don't fancy the cold that goes with it but I love the results.

Thanks!!! I had such a blast doing these!!! I'm going to try again when it gets colder!

wow - great results... I'm off to Jeanette's blog now to check out how to do some myself.

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