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March 07, 2010


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Thanks so much for the great comments! Mitzi and Dana, I used a dip pen and colored India ink on the top two. I used a Niji waterbrush pen filled with acrylic sienna ink in the bottom two. Casey, yes, I did! Robyn, so glad you're back!

I love it when you get stuck into the garden, Laura and I love it particularly when you get stuck in with your paintbrush! These sketches are absolutely delicious - and how clever is the use of the red pen.

Now I'm going to go back for another closer inspection - that windmill palm is gorgeous.

It's going to be gorgeous. Are you doing the design yourself?
I love the sketches!

Laura, Your sketches are always inspiring. Today they got me out of the house in into the garden, where I started preparing the beds for veggies to be planted in a few weeks. Thanks!

Love these Laura lines! I hope we get to see the wonderful, finished gardens.
What did you use to sketch the first two images? I am sure you have talked about it along the way...and I just missed it. I really like them a lot!
Have a great weekend.

Lovely sketches, I really like your style, very fluid and free. Really great.

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