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March 21, 2010


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How inspiring!
I just started my own gardening journal.... I absolutely love your style :)

I am 'sad' this year, so maybe that's why I've decided i must overhaul my garden. What a good idea. to document it in my sketchbook. Thank you for the idea! And I hope your sadness, and mine, pass as the garden blooms.

My sister died recently after a long fierce battle with cancer. I have found my artistic energy at a loss. But it is at the same time even more important to continue. I like your solution and love your beautiful elegant drawings. cheers!

I find such joy in both my garden and art. You have inspired me to take a little more time and energy and bring them together.
Thank you.

Thank you, my friends. I can't wait for the day (soon, I hope!) when I can catch up on all the blogs I love and follow, many of yours among them.

My garden is only just starting to come back to life, it's been a long and cold winter and I can't wait to get out there and maybe try the same, fingers crossed the weather will warm up soon :)

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