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August 14, 2010


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My mother always loved these and always had them in our backyard. She called the Spider plants. I have her seeds.

Laura’s Cleomes
Sandy Roberts 8-10

The Cleome raised her gift on fragile arms
For me to hold in my hands and bring it to my cheek
For a pink embrace
She fell in love with her spidery stems
And forgot she ever longed to be a rose

Thanks, Sandy, for your beautiful poem!

Thanks so much, everyone! Cathy, I'm sure they'd be able to grow where you are! They are not in the least bit finicky! Don't you love the way some subjects just call for that kind of wickedly fun linework?

The Cleome raised her gift on fragile arms
For me to hold in my hands and bring to my cheek
For a pink embrace
She fell in love with her spidery stems
And forgot she ever longed to be a rose

Oh, this is what they are called - cleomes!!! We saw them the other day while walking here in Chicago and couldn't believe our eyes. We have never seen these before, they looked unreal, like some kind of outer-space mutant ninja flowers. Now thanks to you we know what they are called!

Really neat drawing of really cool flowers!

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