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February 28, 2011


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Fantastic stunning red red red flowers!

laurel, it has been awhile since i dropped in to ogle your sketches- because that is what i do!! -but they are always SO lively, beautiful lines! I actually like the little sketch with the non waterproof ink, gives it a nice texture, I could see it used in a "rainy day" drawing. ALSO - about the ink pen/brush-you use acrylic inks in them? do you have problems with drying in the barrel or do you empty them out each day?

How lovely to come here and be greeted by your beautiful flowers, Laura, particularly when there is so much going wrong in the world. You are definitely a very bright spot. :)

Beautiful pages. I like the palette shift.


Your lovely flowers inspired me to sketch my own overwintered geraniums the other day -- sometimes forget I can draw things right here in the house while waiting for spring!

I'm exhausted just reading one post of the goings on in your life! You are so lucky to get to travel the world as you do! As always your sketches are exquisite and I love the warm colours you are using :0)

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