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February 03, 2011


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Well I just stumbled upon your site. I have to say I haven't ever really dabbled in art journals at all but I may just have to pick it up. Have you ever thought about a moleskine for your journal they come in all sizes and types. None the less; I really like your work. The linework feels very lively. The colors are very bold as well. Hope to see more soon.

Beautiful, Laura. The whole, as you gave us here is touching and beautiful.

Wonderful as ever, and I can't get get enough of your amaryllises! (Amarylli?)

I too have found that loss in some way is liberating, despite the grief and regret I am more determined to seize the day, and to be done with self-pity. Would that I could do anything as good with the resolve as you do though.

I'm always enjoying how you follow the seasons and each year make yourself over.

I am always interested in the role of journals in integrating life and art. I have never really satisfactorily found a single format to integrate it all; my journals/sketchbooks shapeshift constantly, and starting my Life and Art blog has diverted musings and reviews away from my familiar little books. One day like to think I will find a universal solution. In the meantime, thank you for sharing yours.

These is just great. That's what I call art, i like your style a lot!

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