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July 20, 2011


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Great series, Laura, really strong and expressive.

I've tried to put some message here a couple of days ago but I didn't manage it.

I wanted to tell you that I didn't realize that Cecelia was your daughter till or last afternoon in Lisbon: I looked for her but it seems she was already gone. I should have wanted to tell her how much I admire her mom :) Hope next time we can (finally) meet!

I love so much this, Laura, they are really fantastic. I understand your compulsion :)

I've been in Lisbon and I didn't realize that Cecelia was your daughter till the last afternoon. Alas we hadn't met before (150 people is a big mess). I looked for her in order to send you a hello and a big hug but she was already gone. I hope next time I can meet you and give it in person!



J'adore. Quel dynamisme dans ses lignes!

Thank you so much, everyone! Yes, Sue, it's acrylic.

I love these and those in your previous post. I always admire the energy you get in your calligraphy & flowers.

Your calligraphy is awesome! they were like alive and moving. Nice work!

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