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December 31, 2011


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Good luck and best wishes Laura!

Thanks so much for your kind comments, everyone. I hope 2012 will be a good year for all of us.

I am so thrilled to hear you are taking a lithography workshop. You are going to LOVE it. And knowing your style, you'll take to it immediately. There is nothing like grinding that stone down at the beginning of the process, and then pulling your prints off the press at the end.

I haven't done it in years, but I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Have fun. You deserve it!

woo I just received this email:
Dear Customer,
Further to your request for unblocking the website http://www.laurelines.com/2011/12/what-i-know.html, we would like to inform you that your request has been approved.

& they have unblocked it as this message proves.

Hope this is a good omen for you in 2012. Stay strong and good luck with these plans.

Happy New Year to you too. I hope it's a great one full of art and travel. I used to live in Austin. Except for the heat, I just loved it. Be sure to have migas while there-a Tex Mex breakfast-at the Magnolia cafe or Trudy's and don't miss the barbeque, County Line or the Salt Lick are really great. Also,when the sun set, go the the main bridge-Congress Street I think- and watch millions of bats come out to hunt looking like black rivers in the air.

I wish you and your family a peaceful, healthy and healing New-Year :0)

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