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March 29, 2012


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Hi Laura--

Thank you for the lovely post. (And you are wonderfully persnickety!) Hope your readers and passers-by enjoyed the peep-at-Pip. Thanks to commenters, too...

A sample of the book--chapter one: http://www.scribd.com/marly_youmans

Oh, hooray, a new writer to check out! Thank you, looks marvelous! (And yep, we know pip here in the Midwest!)

I hadn't thought, consciously, about the name and the Dickens connection (partly perhaps because Pip was my dad's name for my brother before I even knew of GE, so that's its first association for me). As soon as you said it I knew that was why it sat right with what I knew already of Marly's character.

Each of these I read makes me hungrier to read the book!

I love the questions, I love the answers!
A very enjoyable interview.

Thanks for another illuminating interview with Marly about her new novel. I learn different things with each one.

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