Readers of this blog will know that my family suffered a heartbreaking loss last November. Then, as now, I will let my daughter's words speak for all of us:
As you all know, Biff and I lost our full term son Theodore in November. The heartbreak is indescribable and will remain with us throughout our lives. In trying to move forward, we wanted to do something to honor him and help other families at the same time. We decided to do something to work towards better outcomes for mothers and babies, something that celebrates life. We chose to start a family team, called Team Theodore Mulhollan, to participate in this year's March for Babies on April 28th. Out of all the options we looked into, March of Dimes has the broad-scope public health efforts and individual care for families that no other organization has. They have historically supported immunization campaigns, folic acid supplementation in grains to prevent birth defects and continue to focus on healthy pregnancy and newborn care. We heard personal stories from families about support teams in NICUs about how to care for the special needs of premature babies that brought us to tears.
Today is 45 days before the walk, so it's time to start fundraising. If you feel like you could make a donation, we would be grateful. If you are able donate $50 or more, we will send you a little package of thanks. If you would like to join our team for the short 3 mile walk in Raleigh on the 28th, please sign up. If all you do is forward this email to one person who might be able to help out, that is something too. The link to our team's page is here:
Thanks to everyone for your support and kindness-we feel loved in our sorrow. We carry Theodore in our hearts.
Kate and Biff
My dear friends and readers, if you can help us honor Theodore in this way, I would be most grateful. Even the smallest step in his memory will be a great gift to our family and to other babies in need.
Thank you, with love,
Thank you, dear Linda. You are such a good friend and you have been for a long time.
Posted by: Laura | March 17, 2012 at 02:38 PM
Gladly done -- I think of you all often.
Posted by: Linda M | March 16, 2012 at 06:47 PM
Elizabeth, thank you, thank you. I hope to see your lovely self soon. Thank you.
Posted by: Laura | March 15, 2012 at 10:47 AM
I feel honored to be a small part of honoring Theodore.
Posted by: Elizabeth Woodman | March 15, 2012 at 10:45 AM
Thank you so much, dear Leigh and John. You are wonderful neighbors and friends.
Posted by: Laura | March 14, 2012 at 12:34 PM
I agree - this is a beautiful way to honor Theodore. John and I are happy to support Team Theodore and have already posted our sponsorship. We have thought of Kate, Biff, and the whole family so often in the past few months. All the best with the walk! Leigh
Posted by: Leigh Callahan | March 14, 2012 at 12:27 PM