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December 05, 2012


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I'm not usually a fan of mint hot chocolate but boy does your drawing make me want to drink one right now! Beautiful!

Love these! I would love to see a nice toned paper sketchbook. If anyone can get them to do it - it is you! Your work on the toned paper, alone, could sell them.

I'm trilled the hot chocolate sketch as well. The foam on top is fantastic. I'd so airy and delicious looking.

I noticed some questions about toned sketchbooks. Strathmore has brought both grey and tan tonned hardbound journals. I couldn't find them in Canada, but ordered some from ASW Express - i'm very pleased by the papaer, and everything was shipped on time and in condition. So i'd highly recommend the books and the supplier.

Liked your tree when I saw it on flickr, worth seeing twice. next year's Christmas card?

I love the toned paper...I would buy one...hope Michael reads your blog! :-)

Thanks for letting us tag along on your trip...great sketches!

I can't believe that hot chocolate, my mouth is actually watering!

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