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May 19, 2013


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I love your garden! I too take breaks from artwork weeding, as well as cleaning the house - my least inspiring break. This year we put in a vegetable garden, so I am so looking forward to eating some fresh GMO free veggies too! Thanks for sharing this.

Thank you for your thoughtful response, Dana. I'm so glad you like and understand the garden.
I'm doing much better with the deadline now, thank heavens. As far as numbers of paintings go, I will just have what I have when the music stops in late August. I'm reminded that, for me, it truly IS the process that matters and I'm enjoying the process again. Whew.

your garden is just beautiful. As a child of the south, who no longer lives there, just seeing the boxwood is wonderful. There are people who love the smell of box and people who hate it, for me it is one of the smells of summer. Lilac in a cool living room, boxwood in a hot yard both evoke summer in virginia for me. Your restrained use of color just makes the peonies all the more wonderful against the hundreds if shades of green. Yes, I consider this part of your creative endeavor, how could it not be.

so sorry you're having trouble with the deadline. I am the very opposite, a deadline gives me energy and oomph. I do my best work under the gun...but I always make sure the deadline allows plenty of time for mistakes. Like the one I made last night on a piece I had hoped to use for a show in November. I'm almost sure it's going to end up "over worked". No magic thoughts from this corner; if only we could really figure out what makes us do what we do and not do other things. Just this week I read a piece (in Robert Genn's post) about how summer is such a difficult time for some to produce whereas for me, it's winter. I can't paint in winter to save my life. Good luck, I imagine your pieces are far better than you think. maybe you should have an outside critique?

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