Are you, by any chance, still there???
I've never EVER had such a long hiatus from Laurelines, but I have had my reasons! Life and work have been particularly meaningful, as you will see. Still, I hope never to have such a long lapse again.
So that's the re-entry part. The smorgasbord part is that I'll only serve tidbits today, with separate posts on these topics to follow in the next days.
First and most important, is the fact of my daughter's giving birth a week ago to a beautiful baby boy named Miles. Longtime readers of this blog (if there are still some left) will know why this is a particularly joyful birth for our family. All births are important and to be cherished, it is true. But some births are anticipated with an intense prayerfulness and met with great gratitude and relief...and this was such a one.
Second on the menu of recent events is the appearance of several of my illustrations in the current issue of Walter Magazine, its first anniversary one! In fact, my watercolor portrait of Sir Walter Raleigh appears on the cover! There's also a full-page interview of yours truly and four other interior Laura Frankstone illustrations within the pages of the September issue! So, more to come on that subject!
And, finally, my painting show is to open a week from today. The work is based on my responses to Iceland. The pieces fall along the abstraction continuum (some more, some less), with lots of fire and ice motifs and with some indication, I hope, of the intense movement and energy of that majestic land.
Today is the first day of fall, my favorite season. It's a good day to celebrate completion, bounty, and fruition. Then we can clear the decks for what is to come... whatever it is, it will be fresh and exciting!
Are you still there, then? Happy turning of the seasons!
Thank you, Miss Kate! Baby Miles is the biggest, biggest, BIGGEST blessing!!!
Posted by: Laura | September 28, 2013 at 06:57 PM
Oh, I LOVE the sketch of Kate and beautiful! I missed this, before, but worth the wait--the wonderful sketches, the journal entry and baby Miles!
Posted by: Cathy (Kate) Johnson | September 28, 2013 at 08:39 AM
Thank you, dear Lucy. It's nice to BE back!
Posted by: Laura | September 24, 2013 at 10:26 AM
Lovely to see you again, and with such good cheer!
Posted by: Lucy | September 24, 2013 at 08:02 AM
Hello, traveling Sue! Thank you for responding and for your good wishes. Yes, I did post something on Facebook about the Walter illustrations... at the first of this month. Can't wait to see what YOU'VE been up to while I haven't been looking!
Posted by: Laura | September 23, 2013 at 08:43 AM
Sandra! Thank you so much for answering my heartfelt cry for company ;D. And thank you, more importantly, for your understanding and good wishes. That's wonderful news about your daughter!! Your puppy should be much calmer by the time the baby arrives... we hope!
Posted by: Laura | September 23, 2013 at 08:41 AM