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October 26, 2014


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Thank you so much, Kate, Lucy, and Sue. Lucy, I was surprised to learn that travel blogging is such a big phenomenon now. While other blogs are perhaps slowing both in numbers and in numbers of posts, travel blogs seem to be proliferating. Sue, you are the nomadic artist par excellence, so your blog has that double attractiveness. Lucy, I have seen the ways your blog and mine have evolved over the years, of course, and I am happy with the current situation with mine. I hope to post more frequently and I think I will in 2015, but we are what we are. I am so grateful that you are still there. You are a haven for so many of us. And the same can be said of Cathy Johnson's blog and work.

Oh, what a wonderful experience! I am so glad you had the opportunity and that you share it so generously with us. Glorious, glorious sketches...

The people sketches are funny and full of character; looking forward to more miniatures of mountains!

It's good to know, when so many seem to be predicting the decline of blogging, and for many others of us, that it's a continuing but well worn part of our lives, without the initial drive and excitement that it once had, that perhaps it is simply changing and refining its purposes, and the best may be yet to be, who knows!

Great people sketches!

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