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April 01, 2015


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Thank you very much, dear Marly Youmans, for your constant support and enthusiasm. These matter very much to me, as you will easily understand.

Love the dash and sparkle in your sketches, Laura. And in you.

Energy and dance of the mind-heart-hand and copia--abundance. That's how I think of your art-making. Lovely post.

Carol, thank you. I'm very happy that you felt inspired. It seems to me that the connection with the inner self enriches beyond measure all of our other connections and well, to life as a whole.
Kate, thank you so much. You and I share the passion for this kind of self-expression, I know.

Love this post - love the idea of connecting with one's inner self. I often struggle with finding my voice in my sketch books - your words inspire me. Thank you.

Absolutely brilliantly put, dear lady. That is it. Exactly.

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