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June 13, 2016


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Kathi, thank you so much! Happy to see you here!

Suma, that's a huge shift for a gardener! Good luck with that and good luck with all of your wonderful art endeavors!

Love watching your garden evolve, Laura! Now that I've moved from CT to CA, I'm relearning everything -- what grows/flowers in this zone, how much water things need, etc.

Beautiful transformations--- love the textures and hardscaping!!

Thank you, dear Kate. YES, it was amazing to me to go back and see how it's changed! And there were lots more photos to show this process, but I had to choose just a few representative ones, of course. So wish you could be here!

Cathy, what a small world! And, yes, you DO, have a friend who lives here! Big hugs to you and thank you for the compliments about my garden. It gets taken care of, yes, but sometimes more than others ;D.

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