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August 27, 2016


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Thank you, Patricia! I'm so glad you like the work. I first drew with a brush pen and then added watercolor washes.

Thank you so much, Robyn! I appreciate your support.

Very inspiring. Only a true artist would pick up charcoal left from a fire and draw with it (or a child who didn't "know better"). Brilliant! I love the flowers - may I ask which came first? The ink or the watercolor?

HI Laura--finally getting a moment to steep myself in your sketches and story. The blues are fabulous and they really stand out from the charcoal. They are so evocative and it's lovely to know your natural tools. I plan to look at them several times

Virginia, thank you! You are such a supportive friend! xoxo

So exciting and exhilarating to see these, Laura! I love Maynard Dixon, and I LOVE your sketches!

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