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May 30, 2017


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Thank you so much, dear Marly. Foldings and unfoldiings: that's exactly the title I have in mind. xoxo

Unfoldings... paper and rock and thought. Love these.

Dear Jeffery, adored friend and fellow artist and traveler, thank you. Our time together in Wales will be lodged in the core of my heart til the end of my days. I am so happy we have this longtime, everlasting friendship, all four of us.Thank you for such a beautiful comment. xoxo

Oh dear Laura. It is such a thrill to see the whole fold in the video, and to hear once again your tranced relation to the Welsh, St. Davids landscape. It was so exciting to be there with you and David and Stanley, and to know that it was feeding your abiding GROUND. You are a stone genius. We are so honored to know and love you.

Thank you so much, Alissa. I am already so eager for the next stop on this project, Anglesey and the Lleyn Peninisual this coming October. There are some times in your art life when, you know this phenomenon well, I'm sure, you step outside of yourself and enter into a kind of hyper presence. This happened to me those days on Whitesands Bay.

Thank you for directing me to this post via flickr. This is a fascinating project, I can feel the passion and connection that you have and you have conveyed this is your art and words.

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