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February 18, 2018


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Thank you, a belated thank you, dear Cathy, for your wonderful comment! I do leap around, don't I? Happy May!

I love the way you show all the different things you've been sketching or painting, it's wonderfully ecclectic and it feels like a journey for us following you from one style to the next.
I love the classic bust with the modern twist of red background!!

Dear Jeffery, we will do it one day! We will!

That Charleston Style Magazine illustration reminds me of our dream to do a children's book together.

Thank you so much, dear Kate. I sometimes don't know exactly what I'm up to myself... just smooshing paint around on board in the studio. It, like my garden, seems to tell me what it wants to be. Or, at least, that is my story ;D. But the things I've posted are separate from that work, obviously. Not ready to share the studio stuff.

I so love to see what you've been up to.

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