I've been in a long new moon phase, hidden from sight, but very here. Just recently I've begun to see the 15 or so (!) paintings I've been making start to gel a bit. Of these, how many will eventually be finished, I have no idea. The ones that need to be finished will make themselves known and I will just keep at it until I know which they are.
This process is very slow but it appears to be mine for now, so I accept it. Deadlines and rushing can come later.
Here's a detail of one of these in progress. This is one of what I call 'portal paintings,' small at 12" x12", but big enough for me to squeeze through to the next incarnation. All of the pieces I'm working on are inspired by my numinous places, this one in particular is inspired by a bay in northern Wales.
I've also been learning to make linocuts and I love that medium! After a semester long ago spent learning etching and aquatint, and workshops in lithography, and silkscreen, I've finally found the printmaking method that calls to me. I feel it lends itself very well to my Caledonian Orogeny project, as a way of working back in the studio, after making my on-site drawings.
Here's an example of what I mean.
Here's another. I beg your indulgence...I LOVE learning this art form and I love tweaking for color and texture changes! I will force myself to stop at posting two here.
My garden will be on view this weekend to at least 1300 visitors, so I have had garden prep very much in my life these past months. I am sharing, therefore, two garden images, one from my journal documenting two recent plant acquisitions and one sketch I made a couple of years ago at J C Raulston Arboretum, a sketch I recently rediscovered under a pile of other work.
My trip to VERY northern Norway is coming up in May! To say I'm excited is an egregious understatement. I have lots more to tell before I go and I will!
Thank you, thank you!!! I'm eager to get back to work on these, but it may be after my trip before I can immerse myself again.
Posted by: Laura | May 02, 2018 at 09:52 AM
All of this feels so right...and oh my, garden sketches!
Posted by: Cathy Johnson (Kate) | April 26, 2018 at 10:18 AM