My birthday is very close to New Year's Day, so I am in the habit this time of year, like the god Janus, of looking both ways, to the past/the old year and looking ahead to the new. I am a frequenter of liminal states and this time of year is a such a state for most of us.
These sketches from my Norway trip were made on my December trip to that sublime wintry country. They are from my recent past, but I have them in the studio now, as sources for paintings I've begun and will continue working on these next weeks.
This time of year in those far northern climes, the light is blue. For me, the light is not at all depressing, but celestial, ethereal, magical. It is everywhere and it changes everything.
In a lecture on polar explorers, I sat and drew. Their stories were deep, often disturbing, sometimes, of course, triumphant. These men took themselves to the far limits of human coping... and sometimes they couldn't. Here we learned about Fridtof Nansen, Roald Admundsen, Hjalmar Johansen
More blue light, inside and out. My wonderful husband reads by the light of the sky and fjord and a small Christmas star.
Fellow passenger, reading.
And now, speaking of thresholds, I want to tell you that David and I will be moving this year from the house and gardens that we designed, built, lived in, and loved for 26 years. We are moving houses, but will stay in this area. It is exciting and anxiety-producing all at once! I will tell more once I have more concrete things to tell. I know this: in 2020, we will find our new happy home. It will be an adventure. I will have a new garden! I will share the story and images with you.
May Janus, the god of beginnings, thresholds, and transitions, watch over us...and you.
Yes, Cynthia! Here's to new adventures for us all! Thank you very, very much for your continuing and longtime support! xoxo
Posted by: Laura Frankstone | January 18, 2020 at 06:36 AM
Beautiful wintery sketches. Here’s to new adventures!
Posted by: Cynthia mooney | January 17, 2020 at 10:21 AM
Thank you so much, Marly! So many changes, so many exciting prospects for us. I wish you a less 'exciting' year! ;D.
Posted by: Laura Frankstone | January 13, 2020 at 08:13 PM
Thank you for the backward glances at blue magic, Laura, and I look forward to your earth magic, gardening at your new home.
Posted by: Marly Youmans | January 13, 2020 at 07:43 PM
Dearest Kate, you are my number one blog supporter and it means so much to me! Big hugs and love and thanks to you!xoxo
Posted by: Laura Frankstone | January 13, 2020 at 11:37 AM
Such gloriously primal, powerful sketches! Visceral, almost!
And I'll be looking forward to your new life...
Posted by: Cathy Johnson (Kate) | January 13, 2020 at 11:21 AM